It's no secret I've spent quite a bit of my time on the road recently. It's not that I'm too good for my new home, it's just that I've been swamped. Not journeying any place exotic per say (unless Lubbock counts). But traveling to see old friends, and to have some fun, and frankly, because I like to throw money down a little hole in the side of my car. Who doesn't? "Good times" I say.
Anyways, all this journeying has kept me away from the blog a bit more than I'm used to, but it's also given me plenty of Awkward & Awesome ammunition.
And now that I'm fully loaded I'm ready to aim and fire. Watch out!
Some random road trip inspired memories from the last little bit.
Awkward: Making pit stops what seems like every 5 minutes because you (and your dad) have what your mother mockingly lovingly dubs "the baby bladder."
Awesome: Discovering Bliss in a bottle. Though flavors aren't listed ANYWHERE on the fancy, ergonomic plastic beauties, I can tell you this one is basically Fresca, but fancier. And totally worth the $3 it costs, though I think it's more about positive thinking and self-fulfilling prophecy than Neuro's ability to discover and incapsulate the key to happiness.
Awkward: Watching collegeish boys clean their house for a concert, only to discover an empty Valentine candy box under one of the eight couches in the living room. This was about seven feet away from the lopsided Christmas tree I might add. On May 14. (I LOVE you brother!)
Awesome: Getting to hear your once mute-like sibling rock out for a packed house, literally. And doing so beside two very proud parents.
Awkward: Listening to a man talk loudly and repeatedly about burning the new Texas Giant down... seconds before boarding the new Texas Giant.
Awesome: The new Texas Giant. All the hype about it being taller, faster and smoother. Totally true. Just keep your mouth closed on the last few turns. Trust me on this.
Awkward: When people make out in the snapshots taken on rides. Don't they know there are kids around?
More Awkward: Looking like an idiot in every snapshot taken on the rides. What can I say? I have a hard time saying "cheese" when the skin on my face is blowing backwards and all my energy is focused on not wetting my pants.
Awkward: Realizing what used to be the easygoing bobsled ride is now the most painful attraction at Six Flags. And learning this while screaming in pain the entire ride, surrounded by people who keep looking at you to see if you're literally dying. (Which I didn't, but the strawberries on my leg look very similar to the sort of post-mortum bruising they like to shoot close-ups of on CSI. I want to go on record as saying "Ow. And also, don't ride this.")
Awesome: $6 hotdogs. Priceless really, in my humble opinion.
Awkward: Seeing and smelling sideways floating Coy while waiting in line to ride Superman. Nothing lifts the spirits quite like the slow stench of fish death.
Awesome: After a long, gruesome day of walking and waiting, feasting on both an omelette and pancakes. I'm a Waffle House girl at heart, but IHOP, your unlimited french vanilla coffee and garden crepes are definitely wearing me down.
Home UnSweet Home
Awkward: Returning to your apartment and discovering a disgusting smell (worse than dead Coy). Assuming it's your two dirty dishes, so leaving it be overnight. (You're exhausted from all that waiting in line, remember.)
Way MORE AWKWARD: Waking up to discover it is actually unclean water from the apartment above you. Apparently, the neighbors' toilet overflowed while you were gone, and seeped everything in your bathroom, including what used to be a cute teal rug (and is now trash).
You have not really lived until you've scrubbed every inch of your restroom in hopes of ridding it of the smell of someone else's (let's pray) pee.
Gotta love apartment living, at least that is what I keep telling myself while avoiding my bathroom.
Awesome: Getting to visit a friend on her birthday. Especially since that friend's idea of a good time is Put Put.
Awkward: Being the idiot that gets a miniature golf injury.
Quick tip: always trim one's nails before being playing sports. Of any kind. Ever.
Awesome: When someone orders a round of soapapillas.
Awkward: Trying to get to sleep after eating a ten pound quesadilla at 9 o'clock at night. And chips, queso, and a soapapilla.
Awesome: After breezing through morning traffic through DFW, stopping for a pick-me-up at Starbucks and being greeted by a straw-hat-wearing, cow toting hick man. One that asks you to pull forward to get the barista's attention, then asks, with a Southern twang, if he can please "Water the livestock." (Yes! This is Waco.)
Awkward: Pulling forward for your latte and discovering the manager heard, "Water the livestock" instead. Which totally explains the uncomfortable radio silence, and also totally makes me miss Princeton.
Awesome: All-you-can-eat pizza buffets complete with dessert pizzas and coworker friends (in that order). :)
Awkward: Attempting to work after Attempting to stay conscious after eating enough to feed a lot of livestock.
And that, friends, pretty much catches you up on where I've been. I can't tell you how badly I miss posting pictures, but I've still got some stuff to work out with my defunct iPhoto.
In the meantime, please let this absolutely wonderful traveling song tide you over. The videos is nothing special, I assure you, but this song always makes me smile!
Feliz Friday Eve!
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