1.) The Princess Bride doesn’t have a weird plot twist I didn’t remember, involving a romance between Danny Devito and Holly Hunter. I accidentally changed the channel, and then spent 20 minutes of my life – time I WON’T get back - watching a horrible movie and rethinking my whole childhood.
2.) It is difficult, but possible to disagree with someone respectfully. Conflict is inevitable in life. You can’t hide from it forever. (Especially if you insist on keeping your Facebook. Ugh, Facebook, officially the worst thing I just can’t seem to get rid of.)
But I’m really excited to be discovering that I have friendships that can handle tough conversations, and people in my life that will support me in spite of opposing views. It’s good to know civility still exists, even if the internet’s doing its best to kill it.
3.) Roasting a whole chicken isn’t nearly as hard as you think. Thank you Crockpot and Pinterest. We have delicious meals for a week with minimal prep.
4.) Samuel L. Jackson, tough as he seems, has been married for-ever (nearly 40 years) and has one daughter. The things you learn when you fall down the internet rabbit hole.
5.) I was crazy stoked to discover that Tom’s is now selling coffee. But when it arrived – yay! – my excitement was short lived. We still don’t have a coffee grinder, which means those bags are just sitting sadly in our cupboard.
Someone, some fellow coffee fiend, please help me pick a reasonably priced coffee grinder!
6.) Flowers and candles go a long way in making a house feel like a home. My simplest goal for spring is to have something green, and something prettily scented, in every single room.
7.) When people say it feels better to give than to receive, they mean it’s a HUGE relief when the box of late Christmas, birthday, and Valentine’s Day gifts finally makes it out the door. And even better when that box makes it out of the car, and to an actual post office.
Also good is when you clean out your closet, and have a collection of (lovely, but ill-fitting) things to send to good friends instead of Goodwill. Long live giving. And may this spring-cleaning spurt last longer than cookies in our house.
8.) Balloons just make me happy. Whether it’s the pale pink balloon, all alone, randomly floating along the curb of our street, or the slightly deflated ones lined up outside of McDonald’s. They try, balloons.
Even when they start to go flat. They keep bobbing up to the sky, doing their best.
And you gotta love ‘em for that. I really do love them for that.
Even if I never, ever, can spell them right.
9.) Like balloons, bubbles are one of those things even cynical adults don’t outgrow.
You just can’t go wrong with bubbles. I wrote a whole post about the magic of bubbles a while back. (I should post that!) Also, there are really cool bubbles out now with all the Easter goodies at Walgreens. I may just have to invest.
10.) If you call it a cactus people will think of prickly mean things that hurt poor geckos in the dessert.
But if you call it a succulent hipsters (myself included) will shell out money for the world's most easy to care for flowers.
- Bonus Lessons -
If Monsters U is on I will watch it.
Parks & Rec is the greatest show ever!
It's always a good idea to start a blog with your friend
(especially if that friend is awesome and driven and an amazing cook).
Mint is the best.
Stop at VFW garage sales.
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